Generate, Chief Mechanical Engineer

Sep-May 2020

Im. 01, generate_logo

Participating as an engineer in Generate has been a staple of my college experience and helped inform what I aspire to achieve both personally and professionally. My fourth semester in the organization, I was accepted as Chief Mechanical Engineer, a new role created to give structure to the mechanical processes as the organization grew. I was very excited to accept the position that allowed me to give back to the organization that has been such an integral part of my development as an engineer. In this position, I conducted interviews, developed internal learning resources, consulted with potential ventures on the feasibility of their products, created process documentation, led workshops and provided support and guidance to engineering teams.

If you would like to see an example of workshops, check out the following links:

Intro to Fusion 360 [2019] Fusion 360 Efficiency Improvements [2019] All experiences