Generate, Build Studio Engineer

Sep-May 2020

Im. 01, generate_logo

Generate, Northeastern’s student led product development studio, has helped to shape my goals, both personally and professionally. Through my three semesters as a Build Studio Engineer I gained exposure to advanced 3D modeling techniques, interfacing with clients, working on multidisciplinary teams, rapid prototyping, user studies and research, product validation, design for manufacturing, and more. The community surrounding Generate has also directly benefited my development as an engineer. Many of my closest friends and mentors have come from Generate, and I’ve been able to rely on their expertise to push my abilities and ways of thinking. Within the Northeastern community, Generate is a part of Mosaic, a group of entrepreneurially spirited students and faculty advisors. Being a part of that community exposed me to the broader world of entrepreneurship which gave more context to product development consulting, and allowed me to gain practical knowledge relating to starting or managing a business. Thanks to Generate, and more broadly Mosaic, I hope to continue to work to develop my skills with client interaction, user experience, and product development. All experiences